Definition of Administrative Staff and the Important Role of Administration

One of the jobs that is often underestimated is the job as an admin. Administrative staff are often labeled as the typist, the stacker, to the tidying up worker. Even though administrative work is not that easy. So that your views are no longer biased about working as an admin, we try to discuss some important things about admins

Before moving on to the discussion of administrative staff, it’s good to know in advance about the meaning of administration.

Definition of Administrative Staff

Etymologically, this administration comes from the Latin, namely Ad which means ministrare and intensive. When translated into Indonesian, it means to fulfill and serve.

As for the broadest sense, administration is the activity of planning, directing, organizing, organizing, and supervising work related to activities in the office or agency.(100)

Important Role of Administrative Staff
Always prepare for all possibilities that could happen, including scenarios to deal with unexpected situations.

You have to fully control your boss’s schedule, usually if the company is based on an online system, all schedules will go into each person’s electronic calendar.

Including the bosses will also be able to access their own schedule, but if they have administrative or secretarial staff, the bosses are just waiting to be informed by their staff.

The challenge is, you obviously have to have a good time organization for yourself so you can ‘manage’ other people well too.

Once upon a time, one of my friends who is also a secretary had to work in another unit with the GM (General Manager) who was his direct supervisor, but the managers and supervisors on his team were immediately confused by the meeting schedule and borrowing the meeting room because this friend of mine was used to it. .

Often there are also those who say, “If you don’t have you, this meeting won’t go on.” This is because of the role of an administrative staff who sometimes also has to take notes while ensuring that other documents have been sent to the intended parties. Your position will be highly needed and sought after.

An administrative staff is required to organize data, documents, and schedules from senior officials in a company. The point is that an administrative staff is required to be neat and pressure-resistant! An administrative staff is often a key staff for the various activities that exist in a company. Administrative staff often organize meeting schedules and various activities in the company.

In addition, in some companies, they are also often given the responsibility to manage the schedule of their direct supervisor, a kind of manager for artists. Therefore, an administrative staff must be really good at managing their own time and the time of ‘others’.

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